Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Daily Steroids

Starting tomorrow morning, Michelle will start taking daily doses of prednizone (steriods). She will be taking it in pill form. They will gradually decrease the amount so that her body does not become addicted!

Prayers also are needed as she has all of her scans tomorrow! She will have a Mammogram and chest x ray in the morning at the Eagan St. Paul Radiology Clinic. Then in the afternoon she will go for a CT scan in St. Paul. We pray that all of those test results will be negative!

Her legs have felt somewhat better today. She just is not really able to bend her knees.

Thank you to Heather and Christine for stopping by and seeing Michelle today. Michelle said that Jack will just LOVE Heather, because she went through a bunch of stuff in the garage (with Michelle nearby) and either threw in it the garbage (yea!!!) or got it ready for a garage sale. (I guess that deserves a yea too :-)) Michelle and I both have trouble getting rid of things...we need someone like Heather to help us purge every once in a while!

Heather helped Michelle clean out the freezer too, so they do have some room for freezer meals if you would like to provide them with that :-) Another thing that they are running low on is things like fresh fruit and orange juice. Many of you have asked if can help with anything. If either of these are something you would want, please call me (Heidi) or Michelle directly. I know that her afternoon appointment is at 1:00 and will be gone for a couple of hours. I'm not exactly sure what time the morning appointments are.

Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers.

Love you Michelle!

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