Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Quick Update

Just a quick update today - everyone took a walk to the close park this morning and the girls had a lot fun playing with Mom and Dad (Grandma & Grandpa)! Dad took Michelle for a steroid infusion this afternoon and they were able to meet with both Immunologists that she's been seeing (Dr. Shapiro and his Phys Asst Kristin). They were both pleased with her progress and affirmed the treatment plan that I wrote about yesterday. Depending on Michelle's progress over the next weeks or so, this may be the last steroid infusion with the remainder of the steroids in pill form daily through July. The girls had a great time spending the afternoon playing/swimming/weeding with Grandma for over 5 hours (it took a long time getting the infusion, meeting with the doctors, & then picking up some new meds), but Grandma hit the sack early tonight - I think all three "girls" may have played too hard this afternoon :-)!

Thanks to Schwitters for a GREAT meal tonight - and to Nate and Sara DeKam in advance for tomorrow night's meal from Boston Market!

Good night!

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