Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday Update

Julia and Jaclyn keep talking about how much fun they had at Grandpa Gramps and Grandma Sawyer's house and how they can't wait to go back. Julia even told the people at the doctor's yesterday that she wished Grandpa was here with their fishing poles so they could go fishing in the doctor's HUGE fish acquarium - she was only partially joking :-). She did go fishing almost every day at Mom and Dad's home and actually caught 16 fish one day. Another highlight she and Jaclyn keep talking about was going outside each time after it rained in their boots to go find more worms and splash in the puddles. Jaclyn also changed so much, she was talking a lot before she left but when she came back I think her vocabulary had increased by at least 50% and talking all in full sentences (making sure her opinions are WELL KNOWN :-)). That week and a half was a VERY special time for Julia and Jaclyn and they have mentioned many times how much they miss Grandpa Gramps and Grandma Grams.

I had another Mammogram today along with an Ultrasound at St. Paul Radiology. The Radiologist did tell me that my Mammogram was abnormal and they found a distortion and calcification in one area. This distortion is a possible sign of cancer but he did not want to take out a "big chunk of tissue" which would require surgery until he tried one more test. They are sending me to St. Johns hospital for a BSGI (Breast Specific Gamma Image) - a Nuclear Medical Breast Exam. If this test comes back negative, then we have a 95% chance that the distortion isn't caused by cancer. There are only two of these machines in the US and one happens to be right here - what a blessing. This test hasn't been scheduled yet, so please pray that the test can be done very soon and that the results are negative!

The Radiologist said he didn't like what he saw, that he wasn't exactly sure what to do with me, and that I was unique. This is the third medical professional to tell me almost verbatim these exact words in the last month and a half (I've always known I was unique - just not THIS unique :-) and puzzling). I am very thankful that God is in control of all of this and feel REALLY at PEACE about everything since I know God is sending me down a path He has already paved for me.

A beyond HUGE thank you to Tara for watching the girls for me today so they didn't have to sit at St. Paul Radiology's office for hours - we were there for a LONG time today with many Mammogram pictures taken over and over again while waiting for the doctors to view each one of them and have more taken and then having to do the ultrasound and meet with the Radiologist. Tara - you are the GREATEST Blessing!!! The girls loved their playdate with the boys and the special time with you!!!

My blood tests for my liver also came back great so that means I am tolerating the Methotrexate well. My Immunologist is now planning on upping my Methotrexate this Friday.

I can't say thank you enough to all my friends for their help, support, and prayers. I am so blessed to see how God is taking anything bad and making it into good.
Much Love and Thanks,

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