Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another quick update

Just a quick update tonight with a prayer request and a praise....

First, the prayer request: Julia starting getting sick Saturday morning. She has been very listless, has been fighting a high fever (between 101 and 103) for the duration and she had a bad night last night. We're alternating Tylenol and Motrin but it doesn't seem to really knock the fever down much. Jaclyn had similar fevers late last week but Julia's strain seems to be worse. Late this afternoon now Julia was also feeling nauseous so it could be another long night - please pray for quick healing for her - we have a doctor's appt for her in the morning.

Next, the praise: Michelle's lab results came back good. Michelle's liver is still tolerating the increased methotrexate well, her hemoglobin was low, so she needs to increase her iron, the CK levels were great - around 100. The only concern was with her lymphocytes, which came back very low. They are typically at 24%, but Michelle's were at 2%. So, we're trying to determine exactly what that means.

Of course, with Dad Brouwer around, we HAD to start a project. So, on Friday he pulled the carpet out of our master bath and Saturday we put some cement board down in preparation for laying some tile. We never seem to run out of things to do while Mom and Dad B are around.... we've sure been keeping them busy!

Thanks again for your prayers on our behalf!!!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Hi Michelle and Jack,
It's Tuesday afternoon and I just checked in on your blog. So sorry to hear about the girls being sick. We will start praying for quick healing and that Michelle is protected from any germs/virus. Praise God for the good doctor's report! We claim Jeremiah 30:17 "But I will resotre you to health and heal your wounds," declares the Lord.
The Liddles