Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday Update

Hi Friends and Family,

Julia woke us up early this morning crying and complaining of pain in her left ear. She also had some bug bites that were really itching and infected (swollen). She cried off and on most of the morning until her doctor appointment (11:00). Our doctor found that she has a severe ear infection. So, she is now on Amoxicillin for the infection and Benadryl for the bug bites and was already feeling better by the end of the day today. We are starting to feel like a Pharmacy here keeping track of all of Michelle's meds - and now Julia's meds.

Michelle got her stitches out of her leg today. There was no infection and all looked well there. She is also getting some strength back in her legs. Her arms still burn when she uses them, but they are ok at rest (this is an improvement). Nana has also noticed an increase in Michelle's energy since she has been here, so we're thankful for even small improvements.

A HUGE Thanks to Traci for coming here and watching Jaclyn today while Julia was at the doctor's office!! Jaclyn had a blast playing with the boys and Julia too when she got home!



Anonymous said...

REading this update really breaks my heart. I'm sorry for th trials that you have been going through. I'm so thankful that you feel God's presence with you in spite of the problems. Your faith is amazing and we are praying fervently for you all. Did You need help with the girls this week or do you want Jamie and I to come over and clean the house or do laundry? We would be happy to help in any way. Hang in there! love you! Joni and Jamie and all the Halls

kellioverman said...

Danny has just sent me this link and i am so sorry for the struggles that you and your family are going through right now. I am inspired by your courage, strengh and faith and will pray for your daily improvement. Keep your positive attitude, God will take care of your tomorrow.
Kelli Overman
(Nancy's old client from California)