Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Morning by Morning New Mercies We See

Dear Friends and Family,

Unfortunately, Michelle and the girls had a rougher day today. Michelle's arms and shoulders had more pain than normal, even when resting. She put a call into her doctor but was discouraged to not hear back from her. The girls also struggled a bit more today than normal - we know Julia is especially more concerned/worried with Michelle being sick, but of course Jaclyn feeds off (imitates) everything Julia does. Julia keeps asking why God does not heal Mommy when she has asked God everyday to make Mommy well again. So, our specific prayer request for today/tonight is improvement in Michelle's condition which we think will also help the girls. We take comfort and hope in God's promises and faithfulness -and we pray for new mercies in the morning.

A special thanks to Kathleen Beekman for the meal and to Heidi VanHulzen for dessert and for dropping off the MP3 player pre-loaded with books! Thanks too for your cards, calls, and prayers on our behalf. We really appreciate (and thank God for) all you do for us!

Good night!

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